Clients important story
The voyage is very key to us Creative freedom.We want a reminder to turn to the stars…In particular, our star, the Sun/Te Rā. We want to keep burning the map and looking to the stars for guidance and ideas.
Wall in creative room
This art work was painted in the meeting creative space for clients to view and be part of.
Wall size 5 meters x 2.4 high
Great result
Really happy of working along side the Journey they are on. Happy and proud of the piece

Clients thoughts on the art
The voyage is very key to us….
Our own individual and collective Liberation/Decolonisation/Indigenisation from conventional/restrictive/enclosed ideas is very important to us. ie. Creative freedom. This work for us isn’t just about movies and TV shows…It’s about our own growth as humans….Seeking out greater freedom and liberation. The Tavake guides us to those spaces.
Central element. Our Sun,
Our sun is the star and the guiding light! Talks about the voyage. Using sun set/sun rise to reference the passing of time. Day / week / year.
Adding to the voyage concept, the addition of the geometric shapes helps to give direction and flow across the wall.The colours can also be a clever tool in referencing the reflection of the water and the sky.